Monday, November 2, 2009

SA2 results


i feel sad about my English because i fail my paper 2.

Because i fail my exam and i can't go oversea with my family.

I think I got such results because i did not work very hard studying.

I think I can improve by studying very hard

I feel sad about my math because I fail my paper 2

Because i fail my exam and i can't go oversea with my family.

I think i got such result because i did not work hard.

I think i can improve by studying

I feel happy about my MT because I pass my paper 2

because i pass my exam and my birthday is coming and my father is bring me out.

I think i got such result because i work very hard.

I think i can improve by studying harder.

Monday, August 24, 2009

1) What your experiences on online activities?
my experiences on online activities is playing game.
2) Have you ever revealed your personal information online?
3) What form of personal information can and cannot be shared online?
full name,address, school name,password
4) What are the dangers of sharing personal information?
people will hacking account
5) What would you do if your Cyber pal requested for personal information to be shared?
i will ignore it

Sunday, August 2, 2009

national day

I am proud to be a Singaporean because Singapore is clean and green.

Monday, July 27, 2009

1) Name the traditional costume?

This is a cheongsam.

2) Who wears it?

Chinese wears it.

3) Why do you like it?

It is because I like the pattern

Sunday, July 12, 2009

cyber addiction

1) What is your favourite computer game?
My favourite computer game is in facebook ,the game is called pet society.
2) How many hours a day do you spend on playing computer games?
I spent 1 hour but sometime I only play 30 minute when playing computer game.z
3) How has it affected your daily routine?
It did not affected my daily routine,because I only play for 30 minute.
4 ) What can you do to prevent Cyber Addiction?
play computer games only 30 minute.
5)What advice would you give to your friend who is a game addict?
play with the friend who is a game addict.

Monday, May 18, 2009


1. What is Influenza A H1N1?
Influenza A (H1N1) is a new illness to people.This new virus was first detected in people in April 2009 in the United States. This virus is spreading from person-to –person, probably in much the same way that the regular seasonal influenza viruses spread.
2. How does it spread?
This virus is thought to spread in the same way that seasonal flu does. Flu viruses are spread mainly from person to person through coughing or sneezing of people with influenza. Sometimes people may become infected by touching something with flu viruses on it and then touching their mouth or nose.
3. Which countries in Asia have people with Influenza A H1N1?
Malaysia, japan and Australia.
4. How do countries try to prevent the spread of this disease?
wash their hand.
5. Do you think the taking of temperature is effective in preventing Influenza A H1N1? Why?
yes they can see weather we are sick.
6. What other preventive measures are being taken to combat the spread of this disease in Singapore?
Don't go to school went you are ill.

Friday, May 15, 2009

1. Which aspect/s of the school do you like very much? Why?
I like the field very much because i can run about in the field.
2. Which aspect/s of the school do you think you dislike? Why?
I dislike the toilet because it is very smelly.
3. What do you think can be done to improve it/them?
They should as much as possible help the cleaners to clean the toiliet by not littering.
4. What other areas of the school should be improved?
The toilet is also a place where it needs to improve and pupils should not throw wet toilet paper around.
5. How can pupils help in the improvement of the school?
They should throw tissue paper at the wall.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

My March Holiday

I spent the whole holiday in Singapore and the first two days in school for IT lessons . After that I was at my grandmother's house for the rest of the week only from morning to afternoon spending the whole day doing homework. But sometimes in the evening my father allows my cousin,sister and me to cycle. we went to the playground and play a game that is something like hide and seek the catcher must close it's eyes and the player must climb onto something so that the catcher cannot catch us easliy. And that is what I do in my march holidays.

Monday, February 16, 2009

A special person

Dear diary

My father is special to me.He will be 42 year old this year .He has a moustach and he loves to shave it.He love to make bun.

I met him when I was a baby. He alway teahes me chinese.He wanted me to get 100 marks for my spelling when I was in k1.My spelling was very bad .He taught me how to do well in my spelling.The next spelling I got 100 marks and he was very happy.

I will do my best in spelling

Monday, February 9, 2009

Household Items

1)fan and kettle
)frying and
I on the fan by using a remote control. It will be very hard to sleep without fan and will be very stuffy.

My pet 1

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

what will I defend

I want to defend my Singapore.I want to defend it because I live in it.If there is another world war I will not let the other country take over the Singapore.It is because I belongs in Singapore and not any where else.I want to be like the war world 2 heroes.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Something about yourself

my hobby is collecting stamps,because I can use the
stamp again.
My favorite food chicken rice,My favorite subject is math, My favorite colour is family have people.The special thing about myself is that I can collect stamp.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

What do I do With the Ang Bao

Hi There, after Chinese New Year Everyone will open our Ang Bao. I will open mine and save them into the bank.My mum says that those money will pay my school fees later on.I am so excited for Chinese New Year and the day that I will open my Ang Bao.

December Holidays

Hi, am Justin. In my December holidays I went to Malaysia like Cameron Highlands. It was raining up there the whole day. I visited the strawberry farms and there were many strawberry and different things with the picture of strawberries. I think the cactus is very famous there because I saw lots of stalls selling catus. They are all in the catus farm. Cameron Highlands is a very wonderful place so if you have time during the holidays you can try going there. But remember to bring extra clothes when it is in the cold season

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Happy New Year

Gong Xi Gong Xi. Hi there it's me, Justin. Chinese New year is around the corner I think all the Chinese house is decorated with new year decorations.Did anyone went to the Chinatown in Singapore.It was fantastic if you have not been there do go there at night with the lights on. And do not go there with lots of things because walk with lots of people.And maybe do it before Chinese New Year or else the decoration will be kept.So Happy New Year everyone.And that was what I tough before the New Year as there was no time for me to post up.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

about me

Hi I'm justin the owner of the blog.I'm a student of Anderson Primary.Now I wish everyone out there a happy Chinese New Year.